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9 Helpful Tips

Enhance Your TOEFL Testing Experience: 9 Helpful Tips

The day of your TOEFL test may stir up a mix of excitement and nerves. However, with ample confidence and preparation, you can turn it into a rewarding experience. This guide aims to familiarize you with the procedures you’ll encounter on TOEFL test day—from pre-test protocols to the examination itself and post-test routines. Additionally, we delve into authentic test-day anecdotes and provide nine invaluable tips to guarantee a seamless TOEFL journey.

Curious about what unfolds on TOEFL test day?

Regardless of your test location, the rules and procedures remain consistent for all examinees. Let’s delve into the common experiences shared by all TOEFL test takers on examination day.

Prior to the test, upon arrival at the test center, you’ll undergo check-in procedures for the TOEFL, presenting two forms of identification along with your registration confirmation. Subsequently, you’ll be required to endorse a confidentiality agreement, pledging not to disclose test content to others, followed by a standard security screening.

Within the testing room, only your identification is permissible, necessitating the storage of personal belongings like purses, watches, and cell phones either in designated storage spaces or plastic bags beneath your chair if storage is unavailable. Occasionally, certain accessories or attire such as hats, scarves, or jewelry might be prohibited, necessitating their inclusion among stored items.

A test center administrator (TCA) will capture your photograph, which will be displayed on your computer at your designated seat and later on your official TOEFL score report. Additionally, the TCA will provide pencils and scratch paper, along with headphones and a microphone essential for the Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections of the test.

Upon reaching your designated seat, you’ll verify your identity on the computer screen (where your photograph should be displayed) before commencing the test. Throughout the test duration, which typically spans about four hours, here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:
Section Order Time Number of Questions Details
Reading 1 60-80 mins 35-56 Questions Read and respond to questions about academic texts.
Listening 2 60-90 mins 34-51 Questions Listen and answer questions about talks and conversations.
Break 3 10 mins
Speaking 4 20 mins 6 tasks Discuss familiar subjects, campus scenarios, and academic material.
Writing 5 50 mins 2 tasks Write an essay about a reading and audio passage, and another expressing your opinion.
Total Around 4 hours
Each section of the test will have its own digital timer. You’ll receive instructions for each part, including reminders to wear headphones for listening and speaking questions, although you can choose to wear them throughout the test.

Expect some noise in the testing room, especially as others may reach the Speaking section simultaneously, resulting in some chatter during the test.

Should you encounter any issues or have questions, simply raise your hand, and a Test Center Administrator (TCA) will assist you. For instance, if you need more scratch paper, you can signal for assistance. It’s important to note that TCAs cannot provide information about test content.

You’re free to use the restroom or take unscheduled breaks whenever necessary. However, keep in mind that the test timer will continue running while you’re away. It’s advisable to utilize your mandatory 10-minute break after the Listening section to visit the restroom and access any food, drinks, or medications you may need. During breaks, you’re not permitted to access your phone or other belongings without permission from a TCA.

Upon completing the TOEFL test, you’ll be prompted by the computer to decide whether to report or cancel your scores. But what do these choices entail?

Reporting scores: Opting to report your scores means accepting them. You’ll receive an official score report containing your scores, which you can then send to schools. These scores remain valid for two years and can be accessed online via your TOEFL account at any time.

Canceling scores: Choosing to cancel your scores indicates that you won’t receive an official score report and won’t have access to your scores. Consequently, you won’t be able to send any TOEFL scores to schools, and you won’t receive a refund for the test.

Most test takers opt to report their scores. Canceling your scores essentially erases any record of taking the TOEFL. Even if your scores weren’t as high as you hoped, it’s advisable to report them for documentation purposes. Plus, you can always retake the TOEFL to aim for a better score.

Following score reporting, return your scratch paper to a Test Center Administrator (TCA), gather your belongings, and exit the testing area!

Does Everyone Have the Same TOEFL Test Experience?

Chances are, your TOEFL test journey will differ from others. This divergence arises from several factors:

1. Familiarity with the TOEFL format
2. Proficiency level in English
3. Confidence and readiness for test day
4. Test center variability (not all centers offer the same conditions!)

Numerous test takers often recount their TOEFL experiences on online platforms. While some found the test straightforward with no surprises, others encountered challenges and unexpected stress.

Guidelines for a Seamless TOEFL Testing Experience

An optimal TOEFL encounter leaves you feeling confident in your abilities and ideally yields the desired score, devoid of major setbacks. While it’s impossible to entirely avert potential hiccups, such as technical malfunctions or administrative errors, these are infrequent occurrences. The smoothness of your TOEFL journey predominantly hinges on your preparedness for test day.

Outlined below are nine pointers to facilitate a rewarding TOEFL experience:

1: Craft a Study Plan Despite proficiency in English, excelling in the TOEFL demands effective preparation. A robust study plans not only gears you up for the test but also aids in enhancing your overall English skills. Utilize top-tier study materials, preferably official resources like prep books and practice tests, to optimize your preparation.

2: Take an Official TOEFL Practice Test Embarking on official TOEFL practice tests, such as TOEFL Practice Online (TPO) tests, offers invaluable insight into your strengths and weaknesses. While these resources closely mimic the actual exam, be mindful of the associated costs and potential limitations in Speaking and Writing scoring accuracy.

Alternatively, explore the TOEFL iBT Interactive Sampler, a free downloadable software featuring realistic practice questions in a condensed format.

#3: Acclimate to Ambient Noise Given the potential for noise within the testing environment, simulate similar conditions during your preparation. Engage in TOEFL practice in bustling settings like cafes or parks, honing your ability to focus amidst distractions. Mastery of background noise management can significantly enhance your performance on test day.

#4: Plan Your Transportation Ensure you have a clear plan for reaching the test center on the day of the exam. Decide whether you’ll drive, take public transportation, or walk. Having this plan in place ahead of time can alleviate stress and boost your readiness for test day.

For those driving, verify parking options at the test center or nearby facilities. If relying on public transport, confirm the availability of routes to the test center and ensure they align with your schedule.

Consider conducting a trial run before the actual test day, using the same mode of transportation at a similar time. This practice run will provide insight into travel duration, aiding in your preparedness.

#5: Travel Light Minimize your belongings on test day to streamline your focus on achieving a high TOEFL score. Essential items to bring include two forms of ID, your registration confirmation, and any necessary medications.

Optional items may include your wallet or purse, cell phone, glasses, a sweater or jacket, beverages, snacks, and medications. Avoid bringing unnecessary items, as the test center will provide pencils and paper.

#6: Prioritize Self-Care Success on the TOEFL hinges on your well-being, so ensure you prioritize self-care around test day:

– Refrain from studying or taking practice tests the day before the exam to allow your mind to rest.
– Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep the night before the test.
– Fuel your body with a nutritious breakfast and stay hydrated on the morning of the exam.
– Combat nerves by engaging in meditation or breathing exercises to promote relaxation and confidence.

#7: Be Punctual To ensure a smooth testing experience, Ixora advises test takers to arrive at least 30 minutes before their scheduled test time. This buffer allows ample time for check-in procedures, security checks, and seating arrangements.

For those driving, monitor traffic conditions before departure, as heavy traffic may necessitate an earlier departure time. Similarly, if relying on public transportation, factor in potential delays that could impact your arrival time. Opting for an earlier bus or train may be prudent if delays are common.

It’s always preferable to arrive at the test center significantly early rather than risk being even slightly late. Therefore, plan your journey accordingly to avoid unnecessary stress.

#8: Maintain Composure & Comfort

Throughout the TOEFL, strive to remain composed and at ease. If you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, take a moment to close your eyes and inhale deeply for five to ten seconds.

During your 10-minute break, ensure you stand up and stretch to alleviate any tension. Walking around not only provides a brief respite for your legs but also redirects your focus away from the screen. Use this time to hydrate with water and grab a snack if possible. A quick nourishment boost can reinvigorate you for the remainder of the TOEFL, alleviating concerns about hunger or thirst during the test.

#9: Report Your Scores Post-Test

After completing the TOEFL, it’s advisable to report your scores regardless of your perceived performance. Maintaining a record of your scores outweighs the option to cancel them, especially considering you’re not obligated to send them to schools if you choose not to.

Every individual’s TOEFL journey varies. Some may grapple with heightened stress due to inadequate preparation or test anxiety, while others may exude confidence and satisfaction post-exam.

To optimize your TOEFL experience:

1. Prepare meticulously: Dedicate sufficient time to study, establish a study schedule, set target scores, and utilize official resources for comprehensive practice.

2. Plan ahead: Familiarize yourself with essential items to pack for test day and map out your route to the test center. Aim to arrive at least 30 minutes early to mitigate any potential stressors.

3. Maintain confidence: Trust in your preparation and abilities. Embrace a calm demeanor, breathe deeply, and leverage your acquired knowledge to achieve your desired score.
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TOEFL Speaking Tips

Ten Excellent Pointers for the Speaking Segment: TOEFL Speaking Tips

The Speaking section of the TOEFL examination poses challenges for both seasoned test-takers and newcomers alike. Not only are candidates required to converse with a computer, but they must also grasp various nuances of TOEFL Speaking, including time management, response structures, grading criteria, question formats, and more.

Navigating the plethora of information related to the TOEFL can be overwhelming, often leading to frustration. As individuals prepare for the TOEFL Speaking component, they often encounter difficulties in organizing their study approach effectively to enhance their scores.

To address this issue, our objective is to streamline the process of achieving a desirable TOEFL score by presenting ten invaluable TOEFL Speaking tips. These recommendations aim to assist candidates in structuring their study regimen and charting a clear pathway toward success.

The following ten TOEFL Speaking tips are designed to instruct candidates on:

Enhancing their TOEFL Speaking scores
Practicing effectively at home Identifying a practice partner Delivering articulate and high-scoring speaking responses during the test Transitioning from passive listening to active speaking

Outlined below are the ten tips:

1. Practice actively instead of passively consuming instructional videos.
2. Utilize voice recording to assess your speaking proficiency.
3. Employ a grading rubric to evaluate the quality of your responses.
4. Collaborate with a study partner to enhance mutual learning.
5. Incorporate hand gestures while speaking to enhance expressiveness.
6. Select optimal study times and environments conducive to focused practice.
7. Develop a standardized approach for addressing each question type consistently.
8. Utilize a timer to simulate test conditions and improve time management skills.
9. Leverage speech-to-text technology for feedback on pronunciation and fluency.
10. Seek guidance from experienced educators to refine speaking skills and strategies.

Speaking Tip #1: Prioritize Practice Over Passive Viewing

While it may be tempting to resort to passive consumption of instructional videos when fatigued, it is imperative to recognize that such an approach represents merely a preliminary step in the journey towards proficiency.

Consider the analogy of learning to drive a car: while instructional videos may offer initial guidance, genuine mastery is attained through hands-on experience behind the wheel.

Similarly, while videos can provide valuable insights, genuine enhancement of TOEFL Speaking skills necessitates active engagement and consistent practice. Embracing a proactive approach is fundamental to achieving substantive progress in this domain.

Speaking Tip #2: Utilize Voice Recording

Among the array of TOEFL Speaking strategies, voice recording stands out as particularly paramount.

Consider voice recording as akin to a dress rehearsal before a theatrical performance. Just as one would not wish to commit all errors on stage during the actual event, refining pronunciation with precision and clarity through practice becomes indispensable before the examination. By recording and subsequently reviewing one’s spoken responses, individuals can meticulously monitor their articulation patterns.

Moreover, employing a voice recorder eliminates the discomfort associated with practicing in the presence of others. With this tool, candidates can engage in solitary study sessions within the confines of their homes, during strolls, or even during moments of solitude at the workplace. (However, discretion is advised to ensure privacy, especially in public settings.)

Speaking Tip #3: Utilize a Grading Rubric for Evaluation

Amidst the perceived uncertainties surrounding the TOEFL examination, particularly about the unforeseeable nature of the questions posed during the speaking section, an anchoring constant remains—the standardized grading rubric.

Irrespective of the specific inquiries posed, the criteria employed for assessment remain consistent. The utilization of a grading rubric allows candidates to perceive their responses from the perspective of the evaluator. Essentially, it provides a unique vantage point, affording insight into the precise parameters considered by graders during the scoring process.

In essence, employing a grading rubric serves as a covert means of dissecting the evaluative framework utilized by graders, thereby offering candidates a strategic advantage.

Checklist for Independent Speaking


1. Did my speaking duration fall within the range of 42-45 seconds?

2. Was my introduction kept to a maximum of 12 seconds?

3. Did I allocate sufficient time for a brief conclusion, lasting 7 seconds or less?

4. Did I check the time on the clock at least twice to monitor my speaking duration?

5. Did I incorporate a minimum of two transitional words or phrases?

6. Did I maintain a smooth and consistent pace throughout the majority of my response?

7. Did I speak naturally and conversationally, avoiding a robotic tone?

8. Did I provide a well-developed personal example or anecdote to elaborate on the topic?

Speaking Tip #4: Collaborative Learning

Engage in collaborative learning by finding a study partner or seeking guidance from a qualified instructor. Having a study companion can serve as a source of motivation, enabling you to stay focused and committed to your learning goals. Additionally, a knowledgeable instructor can offer personalized assistance tailored to address your weaknesses, support your study regimen, and provide valuable feedback to facilitate your progress throughout the preparation process.

Speaking Tip #5: Incorporating hand gestures

Incorporate hand gestures into your speech delivery to enhance communication effectiveness. Employing hand movements while speaking promotes openness and expressiveness, facilitating the articulation of ideas. Research indicates that gesturing while speaking can aid in word retrieval, particularly for individuals who learn effectively through tactile means. This practice serves as a mnemonic device, reinforcing memory recall and enhancing verbal fluency during speech.

Speaking Tip #6: Making a study schedule

Select an optimal study schedule and environment conducive to focused learning. Tailor your study routine to align with your personal preferences and peak productivity periods. Whether you thrive in the morning or evening, allocate dedicated time free from distractions to concentrate solely on TOEFL Speaking practice. Prioritize planning by scheduling study sessions in advance, specifying the date, time, and conducive setting for learning. Eliminate potential interruptions by disabling notifications and committing undivided attention to your speaking practice during the designated study period.

Speaking Tip #7: Begin each question type consistently with the same approach.

Consistently adopt a standardized approach to initiating your responses for each question type. The commencement of a speaking task often presents the greatest challenge for test-takers. Equipping yourself with a repertoire of introductory phrases can significantly enhance your proficiency and scoring potential. With a limited number of question formats—four tasks comprising one independent and three integrated—you can streamline your preparation by familiarizing yourself with the specific structure of each task through consistent practice.

Speaking Tip #8: Set a timer

Practising with a timer is imperative to effectively manage the time constraints inherent in the TOEFL Speaking section. The allotted time for each question type demands precise preparation and execution. For the independent speaking task, test-takers are granted a mere 15 seconds to formulate their response and a scant 45 seconds to deliver it. Similarly, for the integrated speaking tasks, a brief 30-second preparation window precedes a 60-second response period, except for question four, which allows only 20 seconds of preparation.

To optimize practice sessions, adhere to a structured regimen:

For independent speaking tasks:

1. Familiarize yourself with the prompt.
2. Set your timer for 60 seconds.
3. Allocate 15 seconds to prepare your response.
4. Utilize the remaining 45 seconds to articulate your response.

For integrated speaking tasks:

1. Engage with the prompt by reading and listening attentively.
2. Set your timer for 90 seconds (80 seconds for question four).
3. Dedicate 30 seconds to preparation (20 seconds for question four).
4. Use the subsequent 60 seconds to convey your response.

Although initially challenging, consistent practice with timed intervals cultivates proficiency and instills confidence, thereby facilitating smoother performance on test day.

Speaking Tip #9: Utilize speech-to-text technology to your advantage

Leverage speech-to-text technology to refine pronunciation and receive instantaneous feedback on spoken responses.

Harnessing speech-to-text technology offers a practical means of evaluating pronunciation accuracy in real time. While once considered inaccessible and costly, numerous user-friendly platforms now provide convenient access to voice recognition features. Among these, Google Voice Typing stands out for its accessibility and ease of use. By activating this function within a Google document, users can observe their spoken words transcribed instantly onscreen. Evaluating the accuracy of the transcription serves as a gauge of pronunciation proficiency. Should discrepancies arise, adjustments can be made to enunciation and pacing to enhance clarity and coherence.

Speaking Tip #10 Practise with Experts

However, the ultimate litmus test for pronunciation efficacy lies in the comprehension of native speakers. For comprehensive feedback and tailored guidance, consider seeking assistance from seasoned instructors who specialize in TOEFL preparation. Our team at Ixora is dedicated to facilitating your TOEFL journey by offering structured practice sessions, personalized feedback, and expert guidance. If you find yourself grappling with the complexities of pronunciation despite implementing previous tips, enrolling in a lesson with one of our proficient educators may prove invaluable in refining your speaking skills.
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Understanding the Core Differences

TOEFL Vs IELTS: Understanding the Core Differencesere

The TOEFL and IELTS exams are essential for assessing English proficiency among individuals aiming to pursue studies in English-speaking nations like the USA, Canada, and others. Their importance transcends academia, benefiting professionals aspiring to advance their careers abroad.

Attaining high scores on these standardized tests opens doors to prestigious educational institutions and promising career prospects. However, understanding their contrasting structures and evaluation methods is imperative. If you’re uncertain about which exam aligns best with your needs, reach out to an Ixora counselor today for personalized guidance in making an informed decision.

Understanding TOEFL

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is a standardized assessment designed to gauge an individual’s proficiency in the English language, particularly as a secondary language. Recognized globally across 190 countries, TOEFL stands as a prerequisite for admission to numerous international universities where English serves as the primary instructional language.

Administered by the Education Testing Service (ETS), a reputable US-based commercial non-profit organization, TOEFL offers flexibility through three assessment modalities:

1. At a Test Center
2. At home with the Home Edition test
3. On paper with the TOEFL iBT paper edition test

What Does IELTS Entail?

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) serves as a benchmark for assessing English language proficiency. It scrutinizes individuals’ abilities across four key domains: reading, listening, writing, and speaking.

Introduced in 1989, the exam offers two administration modes: paper-based and computer-delivered.

How IELTS and TOEFL Differ: 9 Distinctions Between the Examinations

To help you in selecting the most suitable option for your needs, here are nine distinctions between TOEFL and IELTS:

1. Scope
While both TOEFL and IELTS serve as assessments of language proficiency for study and other purposes, IELTS has a broader application. It extends beyond academia to encompass study-abroad, professional, and immigration contexts.

2. Types
IELTS offers two primary variations: academic and general training, catering to different purposes. Conversely, TOEFL is predominantly focused on academic pursuits.

3. Locations Available
IELTS is available in over 140 countries, with approximately 1,600 testing locations globally. TOEFL boasts an extensive reach, spanning over 170 countries and 6,000 test centers.

4. Popularity
In 2018, IELTS had over 3.5 million test-takers, while TOEFL recorded over 2.3 million. However, TOEFL is notably more popular in the USA and Canada.

5. Interaction With Examiner
IELTS features direct communication with examiners in the speaking section, whereas TOEFL employs a computer-based format without direct interaction.

6. Scoring
IELTS uses a band system from 1 to 9, while TOEFL is scored out of 120 points.

7. Exam Duration
IELTS takes 2 hours and 45 minutes, while TOEFL iBT lasts 2 hours. The paper edition extends to 3 hours.

8. Frequency
TOEFL offers over 60 sessions per year, while IELTS has weekly testing opportunities for 48 days annually.

9. Result Declaration
TOEFL results are typically available within 4-6 days, compared to IELTS, which provides online results within a week, and offline results within up to 13 days.

Comparison of IELTS and TOEFL: Test Structure & Content

Here’s a further breakdown of the sections:

Reading Section

In the TOEFL reading section, students are evaluated on their ability to comprehend university-level educational texts. They are required to read 3–4 passages, each followed by approximately 10 questions.

In the IELTS reading section, students typically encounter three passages. These passages form the basis for a range of questions designed to assess the test-taker’s ability to comprehend the author’s main ideas and locate specific information. The primary aim of this section is to evaluate the student’s proficiency in understanding and identifying key concepts within the provided textual material.
Exam Type Number of Questions Duration
TOEFL 20 35 minutes
IELTS 40 60 minutes
Listening Section

In the TOEFL listening section, students demonstrate their ability to comprehend classroom lectures and conversations effectively. They encounter 3–4 lectures or 2-3 conversations, followed by a series of questions. Each lecture or conversation is paired with approximately six questions, while conversations typically entail around five questions each. This section typically spans 30 to 40 minutes.

The IELTS listening section evaluates a student’s proficiency in comprehending conversations and extracting crucial information. It consists of four recorded monologues or conversations, each divided into four distinct sections. The first two sections focus on social contexts, while the latter two relate to educational themes. Importantly, the audio is played only once, and questions are derived from these recordings to assess the test-taker’s attentive listening and ability to extract essential details.
Exam Type Number of Questions Duration
TOEFL 28 36 minutes
IELTS 4 30 minutes
Writing Section

In the TOEFL writing section, students demonstrate their ability to express ideas coherently and thoughtfully. This section comprises two tasks: an integrated task involving reading, listening, and writing within a constrained time frame, and an independent essay task. Students are expected to complete this section in less than 30 minutes.

The IELTS writing section evaluates a student’s proficiency in crafting well-organized, clear, and logical essays.Test-takers are required to write two essays—one concise and one more extensive—showcasing their ability to convey ideas effectively within the test format.
Exam Type Number of Tasks Duration
TOEFL 2 29 minutes
IELTS 2 60 minutes
Speaking Section

The TOEFL speaking section assesses a student’s spoken English proficiency through four tasks, each evaluated by an examiner. In three integrated speaking tasks, students read, listen, or both before expressing their thoughts on the topic. This section typically lasts around 15 minutes.

The IELTS speaking section aims to evaluate a candidate’s ability to communicate ideas and opinions in English. This assessment involves a face-to-face interview with an examiner, offering a direct evaluation of the candidate’s spoken English skills.
Exam Type Number of Tasks Duration
TOEFL 4 16 minutes
IELTS 3 11-14 minutes
Comparison of IELTS and TOEFL: Question Types and Tasks



You’ll encounter 20 questions where you need to read passages and provide responses.
There are 40 questions derived from 4 lengthy passages.

28 questions necessitate responses based on short lectures or classroom discussions.
You’ll receive four recorded texts and must respond to a set of questions designed to evaluate your comprehension of the main ideas, detailed information, opinions, and attitudes conveyed by the speakers.

There are two assignments where you read a passage, listen to a recording, and type your response. Additionally, you’ll need to articulate and justify an opinion during an online classroom discussion. There are two tasks in which test-takers are presented with graphs, diagrams, etc., and are required to describe or summarize the data.

There are four tasks, during which you’ll need to discuss a familiar topic and talk about material you’ve read and heard.
There is one assessment divided into three sections, with questions covering general topics.

TOEFL vs IELTS: Examination Formats

The TOEFL examination is available in two formats:

1. Paper-Based Test (PBT): This mode is conducted offline in areas where internet access is limited. It consists of four sections covering reading, writing, and listening, while the speaking section is completed remotely.

2. Internet-Based Test (iBT): Introduced in 2006, this format replaced the computer-based test. It includes four sections: listening, speaking, and writing. The iBT TOEFL exam is a popular choice and can be taken at authorized test centers or remotely from home.

The IELTS examination offers two modes:

1. Computer-Delivered IELTS Exam: Introduced in 2017, this version of the IELTS test is conducted via computer. Conversely, the paper-based IELTS test necessitates candidates to provide their responses by handwriting them on an answer sheet.

2. Paper-based IELTS Exam: In the computer-delivered IELTS, candidates are instructed to input their answers by typing them into designated areas on the screen.

Comparison of IELTS and TOEFL: Results and Recognition

Both TOEFL and IELTS scores serve as widely recognized evidence of English proficiency globally. IELTS exam scores are accepted by over 9,000 institutions in more than 140 countries, encompassing the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand.

On the other hand, TOEFL scores are acknowledged by over 11,000 universities in 160 countries, with full acceptance in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, and Germany. While TOEFL is the preferred option in the US, IELTS tends to be favored in other nations.

Determining the Superior Option: TOEFL or IELTS?

When comparing TOEFL and IELTS, the question often arises: which exam is easier? The answer to this question is subjective and depends on various factors, including:

1. Acceptance by Educational Institutions:

Test-takers need to verify the specific requirements of the universities or schools they are applying to. While both TOEFL and IELTS scores are widely accepted globally, individual institutions may have preferences or specific requirements. Consulting the admission guidelines of the target educational institution ensures a smoother application process.

2. Preference for Question Types:

TOEFL and IELTS employ different methodologies in assessing language skills. Prospective test-takers should familiarize themselves with the exam patterns and question types to determine which suits them better. For instance, those comfortable with multiple-choice questions may find TOEFL more suitable.

3. Comfort Level with Exam Pattern:

IELTS involves a face-to-face speaking test with an examiner, typically scheduled separately from the other sections. In contrast, TOEFL integrates the speaking session on the same day as the rest of the exam, using recorded responses for evaluation. Personal comfort levels with interaction styles and exam schedules should be considered.

4. Cost Considerations:

Financial factors play a crucial role in exam selection. Exam costs vary based on the country of administration. For example, in India, the TOEFL test costs USD 203 (INR 16,900), while IELTS costs USD 195 (INR 16,250).

5. Availability of Test Centers:

The convenience of test center availability influences the decision. Opting for the exam with easily accessible test centers ensures alignment with personal schedules.

TOEFL vs IELTS: Scoring Comparison

Scoring in TOEFL and IELTS follows different scales: IELTS uses a band scale from 0 to 9, while TOEFL scores range from 0 to 120. ETS provides conversion tables for estimating performance on one exam based on practice test results for the other, aiding test-takers in decision-making.
0-4 0-31
4.5 32-34
5 35-45
5.5 45-59
6 60-78
6.5 79-93
7 94-101
7.5 102-109
8 110-114
8.5 115-117
9 118-120
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