Points To Remember - Ixorainternational

Points To Remember

Points To Remember

When you think about Australia, you often conjure up images of stunning coral reefs, beautiful beaches, and diverse wildlife. However, preparing to study in this country involves more than just appreciating its natural beauty. Before you go, it’s crucial to actively learn about Australia’s culture, food, history, and social norms. This knowledge will help you navigate daily life and avoid unexpected difficulties during your time abroad.

Whether you’re joining a study abroad program organized by a third-party provider, participating in your home university’s exchange program, or enrolling directly in an Australian institution, it’s important to be aware that there may be aspects overlooked in your pre-departure orientation. We’re here to offer valuable insights to ensure a smoother transition as you embark on your journey to The Land Down Under.
To study in Australia for over three months, you’ll require a student visa. Applying is simple and online, linked to your passport, with no need for embassy visits or waiting for mail delivery. The visa application fee starts at AUD 650 (USD 450). If your study duration is less than three months, you can opt for a regular visitor visa to save time and money.
If you’re in a study abroad program, health insurance might be provided. However, if you’re studying directly at a university, you’ll likely need to purchase it in Australia. The Australian government mandates all international students to have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC). Different insurers offer various OSHC options, so choose a plan that meets your needs. Also, consult your study abroad program to ensure you understand what’s covered.
Sydney and Melbourne are among the world’s most expensive cities. Prepare for high costs, from housing to groceries. A one-bedroom apartment in Melbourne’s center costs around USD 1,400, while in Sydney, it’s nearly USD 2,000. Create a budget and aim to stick to it. Plan for living expenses of $6,000-$7,000, excluding tuition and accommodation. If these costs surprise you, explore tips for studying abroad in Australia on a budget.
Did you pay for that costly student visa? You can recoup that money! With the usual study visa in Australia, you can work up to 20 hours per week. Given the high minimum wage there (AUD 21.38 per hour / USD 14.89), it’s worth it if you can manage work alongside studies! It’s an excellent opportunity to socialize in your new city and will enhance your resume too.
If you’re heading to Australia during the northern hemisphere’s summer, you’ll be arriving in their winter. Despite the sunny beach images in your mind, big southern cities like Sydney and Melbourne do get cold. Sydney’s coldest month, July, averages highs of 62F (17C) and lows of 47F (8C), while Melbourne sees similar temperatures with highs around 55F (13C) and lows around 44F (7C). Remember to pack warm clothing accordingly!
You might rent a car during your time abroad, so it’s crucial to know that Australians drive on the left side of the road, like in other Commonwealth countries. Be aware of traffic cameras, and avoid driving at dawn or dusk because kangaroos are active and difficult to see during these times. Colliding with one could damage your car and be emotionally distressing.
Australia, like the US, grapples with a troubled past concerning its treatment of indigenous Australians. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples were the original inhabitants before European colonization began in 1788. Since then, they have endured many injustices, notably during The Stolen Generations from 1910 to the 1970s – a period when numerous indigenous children were forcibly taken from their families.

Understanding Australia’s social history and current challenges will help you be a more respectful and informed visitor. For instance, using the term “Aborigine” is now considered insensitive as it groups people from various endemic backgrounds. While such mistakes might be forgiven by an outsider, it’s best to avoid language that could offend or hurt others.
Australian English isn’t just about the accent. Aussies use lots of slang words in everyday talk, which can be puzzling for those from other English-speaking countries. While some words are similar to British English, like “lift” for elevator and “chips” for fries, Australian English has its unique style that mirrors the relaxed and fun Aussie culture.

Here are some of the common Australian slang:
BikkieBiscuit (UK), Cookie (US)
CrookUnwell, ill
Fair DinkumTrue, good, genuine
G’dayHello (Good day)
YabberTalk fast & not clearly
TinnieA can of beer
The pleasant climate in Australia encourages outdoor pursuits, which Australians enthusiastically embrace. They relish outdoor activities such as beach lounging, sports, camping, and barbecuing. If you’re not particularly inclined toward outdoor adventures, be prepared for many social plans revolving around outdoor activities under the sun. However, for outdoor enthusiasts keen on hiking, surfing, or four-wheel driving, Australia offers abundant opportunities for exciting day trips.
The “Australian dream” often includes iconic landmarks like the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru, the Sydney Opera House, and more. However, expecting to see all these sights and more in one trip is likely realistic if you have ample time and money. To illustrate, driving from Perth on the western coast to Brisbane on the eastern coast takes about 46 hours, longer than driving from Los Angeles to DC. While studying in Australia, there are undoubtedly many amazing things nearby, and you can likely plan one major trip. Still, it’s essential to manage your expectations about exploring the entire country.
Understanding Australian grading systems is crucial if you’re going to receive Australian grades. Australian universities use a grading scale that may differ from what you’re accustomed to in the US. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with these grades to accurately interpret your academic performance. By knowing the Australian grading system and its equivalent in the US, you can better understand your progress and achievements in your academic endeavours.
High distinction (100-80%)A+
Distinction (79-70%)A
Credit (69-60%)B
Pass (59-50%)C
Conceded PassD
Fail (below 50%)F
The time difference between Australia and the Americas is significant. If you arrive in the morning, try to stay awake and active all day, while if you arrive at night, go to bed. Adjusting to your new time zone as soon as possible is important to minimize jet lag.

Once you’ve overcome jet lag, you’ll face the challenge of finding a suitable time to communicate with friends and family back home. Australia has three time zones (five during daylight savings time), which can make scheduling calls complicated, especially when compared to the US:
When planning a FaceTime call, consider both your and your partner’s time zones to avoid confusion.
To know more about study-abroad ventures, let’s connect online through these platforms:
If you want to study abroad, call or WhatsApp us at +919091011101.
You can also email us at contactus@ixorainternational.in
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